Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reverend JJ Greed

CNN notes Reverend Jesse Jackson's most recent whispers, "See, Barack's been talking down to black people. ... I want to cut his nuts off." Is the Reverend Envious? If, envy is a veil for greed, then yes!

There are several facts regarding this "leader", which describe a character formed by deceit. Jesse Jackson was next to Martin Luther King Jr. when he was assassinated and immediately stepped into his absent position. Jesse "ran" a campaign for President of the United States of America, twice, without success. Jesse is a self proclaimed "Reverend" (minister of faith), which had an affair with a co-worker resulting in a child out of wedlock, while he was married to another woman.

Jesse Jackson is a man that positions himself next to power, a man that seeks power for the benefit of himself, and a man that uses power to seduce. Are you seduced or amused?

Check out the book "Shakedown: Exposing the real Jesse Jackson", by Kenneth R. Timmerman. He says it well when he calls Jesse Jackson a "Race Hustler". If Jesse is no longer able to demonize the "white man" or some other effigy then he is without a subject, like a caller at a freak show without freaks. Obama represents a threat to end Jesse Jackson's coalition of division. Beware Obama, one man has already died at his side.

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