Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Apple (AAPL): & the reality distortion field

Like many Apple investors out there tracking every bit of news,  I clicked on the link to a video by Gary Krakow posted today on entitled "the 3G iPhone stinks".

I cannot understand how that half minded so- called journalist gets his conclusions.

Extrapolating from the 3 first three reviews that came out last night, he came up with a pretty shocking conclusion: " the 3G iPhone stinks". That makes me think the reviews are not the ones we all did last night and maybe part of his distorted imagination.

For a quick summary of these three reviews, go to

USA today's Edward C. Baig headline reads : "Apple's new iPhone 3G: Still not perfect, but really close"
Then follows with: " Extra, extra: iPhone 3G: The Sequel, is worth the wait."

Walt Mossberg in gets directly to it and explains that although current iPhone users might not need to upgrade. New users might want to since this phone addresses the main concern from the first gen phone: network speed.

This is not a bad thing since all current users still have at least one year to go on their Contract. the other advantage I see is brand loyalty. 

With such an evolutionary and not a revolutionary update, current users can feel comfortable owning the device for the length of their Contract. the first gen iPhone does not feel obsolete and eary adopters could not be happier. (think brand loyalty).

That was pretty much the conclusion brought by David Pogue of the New York Times.

Explain to me how these statements above translate to "stinky-ness"!

Other random jabs at the 3G iPhone that blew my mind were the video's mention of choppy 3G from AT&T as I would not understand how this can be device related. Same goes for battery life... Steve Jobs himself told you Mr Krakow that 3G drains battery and that is why you have the option to turn it off when not needed.

Another one is the claim that since the iPhone 3G is an excellent gaming device it is bad for business. As if Computers are not good at both. This should be a selling point for Apple as it highlights the powerful computing capabilities of the device.

Then they attack the US plan pricing, which has nothing with the device. It is still a good deal in my opinion anyways considering you are saving 200 dollars upfront and can invest it somewhere else.

Here's a chart from gizmodo showing that plan pricing for the 3G iPhone is not that bad compared to others.

All in all , if the iphone received such good praise as "real close to perfect" and it "stinks", imagine what it needs to do to be average in Gary's eyes. Maybe the next iPhone can have teleporting powers or a FUD/ lie detection system that Gary Krakow can use on himself.

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